Innovation It Dotbd

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Professional Social Media Marketing

About Course

This comprehensive course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to leverage the power of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for effective social media marketing. From developing a solid social media strategy to implementing tactics specific to each platform, you will learn how to create engaging content, build a loyal audience, and drive business results. Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or aspiring social media professional, this course will help you take your social media marketing efforts to the next level.
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What I will learn?

  • Developing a Social Media Strategy
  • Facebook Ads and Marketing Course
  • Instagram Marketing Strategy Course
  • YouTube Marketing Course
  • Freelancing With Fiverr & Upwork

Course Curriculum

Introduction to Social Media Marketing
Introduction to Social Media Marketing Freelancing Goal & Earning Overview Freelancing Planning & Guideline Create Using Notion

  • Introduction to Social Media Marketing
  • Introduction about Ai Tools & Software
  • Freelancing Planning & Guideline Create Using Notion
  • Freelancing Goal & Earning Overview

Social Media Account Create & Optimization

Social Media Content Create & Design

How to Setup Facebook & Instagram Ads with conversion tracking

How to Earn From Facebook Page – A Complete Tutorial

How to do YouTube Video SEO

Portfolio & Client Communication

How to Create Fiverr & Upwork Account & optimization

Fiverr and Upwork Gig or Project With Upwork Job Apply

Fiverr Gig Promotion in Social Media

How to Active in Fiverr or Upwork + ChatGPT Prompt

Bonus: How to Create Video Content | Become a Content Creator

A course by

Material Includes

  • 1 মাস ব্যাপী ক্লাস এবং এসাইনমেন্ট
  • 15 টির অধিক মেইন ক্লাস
  • সাপোর্ট
  • কমিউনিটি গ্রুপ এবং সাপোর্ট


  • ইন্টারনেট কানেকশন
  • একটি কম্পিউটার বা ল্যাপটপ

Target Audience

  • যারা একদম বেসিক থেকে শুরু করে ইন্ডাস্ট্রি লেভেলে Social Media Marketing শিখতে চান এবং কন্টেন্ট বানানো or Freelancing নিয়েও আগ্রহ রয়েছে, তাদের জন্য আমাদের এই কোর্সটি